Luca Galofaro is a founder member of the firm IaN+, professor in urban design at UCL-the Bartlett school of Architecture.
Visiting at Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture in Paris from 2009, and at the Kent State University Florence program 2012. He obtained the Master degree on  Spatial Science   at the International Space University, UHA Huntsville, Alabama. He presents his works on Space Architecture at several conferences.
He is author of four books published by Bruno Zevi´s series of Universale d'Architettura and  he is the authors of Artscapes. Art as an  approach to contemporary landscape Gustavo Gili  Barcellona 2003. (Postmedia books milano 2006)
He is author of THE BOOKLIST, a blog about books, and is working as an architect with IaN+

luca galofaro
via tarvisio 2 
00198 roma